Why DoorDash Should Enter The NFT Space Now And Not Later

4 min readNov 7, 2021

The answer to that is simple. Hundreds of other brands have already entered the space including ⬇️

I believe DoorDash should be proactive NOW instead of being reactive later!

For Additional Context For Anyone Reading This

I’m currently an employee at DoorDash and have been since April 2020. I ❤️ DoorDash. Getting hired at DoorDash literally saved my life. That’s another story for another time but I did want to mention that before I dive into my thoughts on why DoorDash should enter the NFT space in this article. At the end of the day I’ve fallen in love with DoorDash’s brand, the team I’m fortunate enough to work on, my incredible colleagues that I’ve learned so much from and the different communities that DoorDash serves throughout society, especially for everything DoorDash has done during the COVID pandemic.

At the end of the day, I want to see DoorDash succeed for the next 50+ years and I believe they need to enter the ‘NFT Space’ now, not later.

Now That We’re In Agreement

Here are the communities that DoorDash should provide value to once DoorDash enters the NFT Space.

  • Employees
  • Merchants
  • Dashers
  • Customers

Each community mentioned above is unique with different wants, expectations and needs from DoorDash’s platform. DoorDash should focus on providing value based upon what each community wants and finds valuable.

How VeeFriends Inspired My Vision For DoorDash NFT

Serial entrepreneur, internet sensation, social media guru, investor, and the future owner of the New York Jets Gary Vaynerchuk created VeeFriends. This NFT project is one of the most recognized and successful NFT projects to date because of the value Gary has provided to VaynerNation and his community.

For those reading that are unfamiliar, Gary drew and doodled different characters (see all 268 VeeFriends characters here), minted them and sold them as intellectual property that lives on the Ethereum blockchain and in peoples digital wallets. Everyone that holds a VeeFriends NFT token is invited to VeeCon. Each NFT has other experiences and utility associated with the asset too, just like the Hangout Hawks example below. People that own a Hangout Hawk token get to virtually hangout with Gary for five 60 minute sessions each year.

In my opinion, the smart contracts underneath the NFT’s is what is most exciting. It provides a brand new lens on utility, access, experiences, value and even collaboration and Gary has set that standard with VeeFriends 😃

The First NFT Restaurant Concept In The World

DoorDash might find this interesting because DoorDash likes restaurants a lot! 😉 Just like above, Gary Vaynerchuk is also involved in the 1st NFT Restaurant of it’s kind. Read more about how VCR Group is disrupting and changing the future of membership, access and experiences.

DoorDash Should Partner With VaynerNFT

What is VaynerNFT?

VaynerNFT is VaynerMedia’s portfolio company focused in the NFT space. The bottom is they know this space and they know their sh*t too. They’re built to help brands strategically map out projects that create long term value for their communities, thus for their brands.

VaynerNFT Is Already Helping Other Global Brands

Take American Eagle for example. VaynerNFT collaborated with American Eagle for their first ever NFT drop and American Eagle sold out within 35 minutes. You can read more about their recent drop here. American Eagle and Budweiser are just two recent examples of hundreds of other brands, associations, influencers, personalities, athletes, celebrities and artists that are lining up for VaynerNFT’s services.

What DoorDash NFT Could Look Like

Why reinvent the wheel? I just shared how Gary and VeeFriends have set the standard for what a successful NFT project looks like. Again, Gary drew 268 VeeFriends characters. Let’s not overthink this. In partnership with VaynerNFT, DoorDash should create their own characters but instead of animals, let’s do it around food and cuisine types. (Eventually DoorDash could and should get into other verticals, but lets start with food first)

Just like Gary created VeeFriends characters by humanizing them around traits and qualities he deeply admires in the real world, DoorDash should do the exact same thing with food 🍎🍊🍌🍉🍈🍑🍍🥝🍅🍆🥑🥦🥒🌶🌽🥕🥔🥐🍞🥖🥨🧀🥚🥞🥓🥩🍗🌭🍔🍟🍕🥪🥙🌮🌯🥗🥘🥫🍝🍜🍲🍣🍱🥟🍤🍙🍚🍘🍥🍡🍧🍨🍦🥧🍰🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🍿🍩🍪🥜🍯🥛☕️🍵🥤🍺🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🍾🥣🥡

If DoorDash humanized food similarly to Gary’s VeeFriends it might look like this

  • Aspiring Apple
  • Beautiful Blueberry
  • Caring Carrot
  • Determined Dumpling
  • Empathetic Enchilada
  • Focused Frittata
  • Generous Grapefruit
  • Helpful Hummus
  • Innovative Ice Cream
  • Joyous Jambalaya
  • Kind Kiwi
  • Legendary Lasagna
  • Motivated Meatballs
  • Noble Nuggets
  • Optimistic Orange
  • Passionate Pizza
  • Quality Quesadilla
  • Respectful Ramen
  • Selfless Sausage
  • Tenacious Taco
  • Unwavering Umami Burger
  • Vibing Vegetable Soup
  • Well-Balanced Walleye
  • Xcellent Xia Mi
  • Yummy Yams
  • Zestful Zucchini

Here are the first 26 NFT characters I’ve thought of and decided to give to DoorDash. I’d love to see these characters come to life!

At the end of the day

I love DoorDash. I want to see DoorDash continue to grow and succeed throughout my life. I believe one of the next logical steps DoorDash needs to take is to enter the NFT world to provide value to their employees, merchants, dashers and customers.

I also love VaynerMedia, VaynerNFT, everything I’ve seen with VeeFriends and everything Gary Vaynerchuk preaches to the masses.

DoorDash should get in touch with Gary, Avery and VaynerNFT today 🥊

Let’s see if this starts a larger conversation between DoorDash and VaynerNFT. I believe a version of this outline could be the blueprint to ‘DoorDash NFT’ in the future 😃




Think Facebook birthday 🎁 fundraisers, but at VaynerX 🍯 🌆 and on your Vaynerversary instead ❤️