The Next 5000 Days

1 min readAug 17, 2021

was completely inspired by Beeple’s NFT, Gary Vaynerchuk’s influence on me since I began following him in 2014 and how I believe NFT’s are going to become more and more integral in society over the next decade and beyond

‘The Next 5000 Days’ has the Big Hairy Audacious Goal to raise enough money by partnering with thousands of different influencers, through this invite only community, over the next 15+ years to help Charity Water 💛 solve our global 🌍 water 🚰 crisis by 2035

With love ❤️ from Trevor, the Charity Water 💛 Advocate and GaryVee 🥊 Fan




Think Facebook birthday 🎁 fundraisers, but at VaynerX 🍯 🌆 and on your Vaynerversary instead ❤️